Monday, September 6, 2010

Max at 08:47

I was so lucky to see a baby birthed right out of his momma on my second day on the OB floor this weekend. I think they normally put students to the side and let them watch, but since it was just me, the nurse, a Nurse Midwife and an MD they had me hold one of the mother's legs while she pushed. It was pretty A-MA-ZING seeing little Max enter the world!

I'm happy that I can find joy in this experience while still holding onto my conviction that people are having too many babies. When I hear about families of 5, 6, 7 children (even three, to be honest) it actually makes me kind of upset. There are so many kids out there who need families, and so many people who are having kids they don't really even want. I don't think it's a popular idea, but aside from being a social concern it is also really an environmental issue. I think I read somewhere that if women started having just one baby, we'd really slow down the population rate and we might even end up having enough resources for everyone (and less wars over them) down the line as a result. There really isn't enough room for all of us on this planet at the rate we're going!

1 comment:

  1. I agree. And parents who protest, saying that they can afford to raise so many children, miss a crucial point -- can the earth afford it?
