Thursday, May 5, 2011

8 Days

Just eight more days until I graduate from nursing school. I'm really not one to toot my own horn, but I can't believe that all the YEARS of hard work, studying, blood, sweat, and tears that went into reaching this goal (that started with one Chemistry class in 2007!!!) is finally coming to an end. I'll still have to study for that pesky licensing exam and then actually BE A NURSE after next Friday, but I really can't believe that something that started as just an idea a few years ago will soon be reality! To some of my classmates our graduation next Friday isn't such a big deal, some aren't even attending the ceremony. Many of them came straight into this program after finishing their first bachelors degree already having taken the prerequisites as part of their first degree. For me it is another story and it IS A BIG DEAL! I spent three long years working and going to school at night just to get to nursing school, and now I'm finally finished.

toot toot

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! I'm glad somebody got something out of their higher education.
